predicting the future...

The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Prediction Capital partners with pioneering early-stage ConsumerTech and FinTech startups.

We want to be at the forefront of change when it happens and take part in shaping our future

When we founded Prediction Capital we asked ourselves: What could the world look like in the future with all the challenges and opportunities ahead of us? And what can we as investors and entrepreneurs do to co-create a future that holds a better livelihood for all of us?

That’s when we found that we want to be more than purely financial investors but rather partners to the promising founders and ventures that we are actively backing. We believe that the time is now to invest in innovative ventures and are excited to take part in shaping our future, together!

We partner with exceptional entrepreneurs


Founder & CEO of Bling!
"Prediction was able to emphasize a high conviction and expertise around our business model early on. We believe to have found a strong sparring partner to further advance our value proposition and growth."


Founder & CEO of House of Change
"Prediction Capital was an easy choice for us: deep understanding of our competitive landscape, hands-on support around our first hires even before closing and a transparent decision process."


Co-Founder of Get Ikigai
"Prediction Capital brought the perfect energy for working together and being excited about what we do. They can be a supportive long term partner and grow with us instead of just an early ticket. Most important for us: personal vibe fit"

Tanguy & William

Founders of Stokelp
"Prediction understood at the first time our business and our challenges, they know how to help us to accelerate by connecting us to the right person in their network ! More than in an investor, Prediction is a strategic partner for our growth."


Founder & CEO of PowerAPI
"Every relationship is personal, defined by the moments spent brainstorming and working with each other. The team at Prediction was aligned with our mission since our first discussion. From there everything unfolded naturally. We’re in it together, for the long haul."


Founder & CEO of Heritas
"With Prediction’s entrepreneurial background comes a deep understanding of startups’ needs and how to practically support. They immediately were convinced about our vision – and the match was perfect."


CEO & Founder of MEMBER
"Prediction was very early-on aligned with our vision of revolutionizing community-building around shared preferences and building communities especially in niche-areas. We have found an equally entrepreneurial investor and are looking forward to working together on this journey."
Prediction Capital Team

We are a young and dynamic team, acting eye-to-eye with our founders